Naperville, IL Spider Control
Your Naperville Pest Control Problem, Gone For Good, Guaranteed.
Naperville Office:
(708) 416-8042
800 W. Fifth Avenue, Suite 101F, Naperville, IL 60563
(708) 416-8042
800 W. Fifth Avenue, Suite 101F, Naperville, IL 60563
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Naperville, IL Spider Control
Your Naperville Pest Control Problem, Gone For Good, Guaranteed.
Naperville Office:
(708) 416-8042
800 W. Fifth Avenue, Suite 101F, Naperville, IL 60563
(708) 416-8042
800 W. Fifth Avenue, Suite 101F, Naperville, IL 60563
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Naperville, IL Spider Control Services
A Clean and Pest Free Home in Naperville is just a call away..
Eight spindly legs and venom packed fangs, nothing causes more anxiety than an infestation of spiders. Naperville is home to two of the most dangerous spiders in the United States. With an inky black body and bright red hourglass tattoo on her back, the black widow isn’t difficult to identify. You can spot them in garages and cluttered dark corners in your home. Sometimes they’ll wander into shoes and clothing. The second is the brown recluse. Unfortunately, the brown recluse looks like hundreds of other brown spiders, but their bites cause skin lesions and necrosis (kills the flesh around the bite). If you get bit, seek emergency services. If you want to get rid of the problem, you need Pointe Pest Control.
Common Naperville Spiders
Brown Recluse: This spider is completely brown and a little bigger than a quarter if you include the legs. Like their name suggests, they are experts at hiding in dark places. Because the artificial lights on your house attract insects, these nocturnal arachnids benefit from being in your home. Brown Recluses are hunting spiders and prowl around your house looking for food. They will not attack humans but any incidental contact with them can cause them to bite. Unfortunately, their venomous bites can cause skin ulcers and other medical complications.
House Spiders: These are the most common spiders in the Hinsdale area. They make home in window sills, closets and under furniture. House spiders will put up multiple webs and make rounds, checking them for any insects throughout the day. Their females lay up to four egg sacs, each carrying over 200 eggs. House spiders have a year lifespan.
Wolf Spiders: Rather than staying in webs, wolf spiders prefer talking around on the ground, borrowing in tunnels and hunting at night. Wolf spiders are a larger breed of spider, growing to about an inch in length.
Why Pointe Pest Control?
We’re professional problem solvers. No two infestations are alike. When you call Pointe Pest Control, a certified technician will arrive at home ready to meet your eradication needs. We’ll work with you to develop a strategy in spider elimination. We’ll check and treat your attic, wall voids, even your crawlspace. Once we’ve eliminated the problem and cleared your home of spiders, we’ll work to keep it that way. We can create a zone around your home that will prevent re-infestations. If you don’t want to share your home with spiders, give Pointe pest Control a call.
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Pointe Pest Control is one of the largest family-owned and operated pest control companies in the U.S. We have pest control and customer service down to a science, and we know you’ll appreciate the results.
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